The Seventh Annual Boundary Law conference used the perspective of “surveyor as expert witness” as the overall connector to delve into “processes” guided by principles established through legislation, the courts, and standards of practice to address complex cadastral surveying scenarios. The webinar version of this event held in spring 2021 consists of a eight sessions complete with annotated readings, slide decks, and recorded presentations.  Info  Enrol  AOLS Formal Activity CPD Hours

The Sixth Annual Boundary Law conference was designed to be practical and cutting edge in exploring recent trends and developments in both policy and the law regarding easements. The webinar version of this event held in spring 2019 consists of a eight sessions complete with annotated readings, slide decks, and recorded presentations.  Info  Enrol  AOLS Formal Activity CPD Hours

The online version of the Fifth Annual Boundary Law conference held in spring 2018 includes the presentations, papers and slide decks. This full-day event responded to the uncertainties resulting from recent legal treatments of water boundaries in a manner to ultimately benefit professionals, property owners and the public.  Info  Enrol  AOLS Formal Activity CPD Hours

The online version of the Fourth Annual Boundary Law conference held in fall 2016 includes the presentations, papers and slide decks. This full-day event reviewed latest treatment of road boundaries in our legal system and suggested best practices.  Info  Enrol  AOLS Formal Activity CPD Hours

The online version of the Third Annual Boundary Law conference held in fall 2015 includes the presentations, papers and slide decks. This full-day event revisited traditional assumptions about the nature of boundaries and introduced new mindsets better aligned with what the courts do and conclude.  Info  Enrol  AOLS Formal Activity CPD Hours

The online version of the Second Annual Boundary Law conference held in fall 2014 includes the presentations, papers and slide decks from presenters as well as a forum for discussing ethical issues in the delivery of professional services.  Info  Enrol  AOLS Formal Activity CPD Hours

This online version of the First Annual Boundary Law conference held in fall 2013 includes the presentations, papers and slide decks from most of the presenters. This full-day event reviewed recent developments in boundary law as emerging from courts.  Info  Enrol  AOLS Formal Activity CPD Hours