Continuous Professional Development Offerings

This webinar tackles the question: How do we practise our profession in a manner that makes every survey and project be seen by clients and the public as the work of competent, trusted, unbiased and impartial practitioners?  Info  Enrol

The online version of the Eastern Regional Group (ERG) Education Day held on April 30, 2024 includes the presentations, slide decks and other resources.  Info  Enrol  AOLS Formal Activity CPD Hours

The original presentation delivered at the AOLS AGM in 2020 has been reconfigured as 3 webinars with accompanying resources.  Info  Enrol  AOLS Formal Activity CPD Hours

This self-paced training course explores all aspects surrounding the electronic submission of survey plans.  Info  Enrol  AOLS Formal Activity CPD Hours

This self-paced course explores all aspects surrounding the preparation of the professional land surveyor in Canada to assist – as an expert witness – the decision maker in a legal proceeding.  Info  Enrol  AOLS Formal Activity CPD Hours

This webinar explores several problem scenarios and outlines solutions in working with lawyers and real estate agents to avoid and resolve disputes.  Info  Enrol  AOLS Formal Activity CPD Hours

This webinar provides a review of the legal framework by which liability to third parties can arise and makes suggestions for how to reduce the risks.  Info  Enrol  AOLS Formal Activity CPD Hours

In light of recent Supreme Court of Canada decisions, this presentation proposes a re-think of traditional approaches to ownership, title and boundaries to accommodate diversity of land tenure and over-lapping of interests with respect to the same “place”.   Info  Enrol  AOLS Formal Activity CPD Hours